Bro. Christian J. Williams
*Alarm clock blares. Hits snooze. Hits snooze again until the very last minute.* This was the life that I lived for many days as I woke up to head to a job where I felt completely misplaced. Don’t get me wrong – on paper, I had a great job in Purchasing/Supply Chain at a major automotive manufacturer. However, I knew that my heart was not in the role and that this would ultimately limit my career trajectory. I debated for a while if I would share this story, but realized that it can be used as a testimony for others because so many people I have met similar encounter situations.
Toward the end of 2018 (and long before), I was facing extreme career confusion. I awakened every morning to perform in a demanding, high-stress role that I lost interest in and knew wouldn’t be a long-term career for me. I kept saying, “I know God has something more aligned with my interests in store for me and this CANNOT be it. I just know it”. I continuously prayed for him to reveal his plan for me, to send me a new job in which I could TRULY be impactful and help others, and to make it clear why I was still in Michigan. I even applied for several roles out of state with my employer at that time. Well, guess what? My plan was revealed to me! However, the answer was not immediately made clear and would in fact, take several months.
In October 2018, I launched CJW Consulting Group, a professional development business that helps students, recent graduates, and established professionals with services such as resume development, interview prep, salary negotiations, LinkedIn optimization, and personal statements. Fun fact – I was always a strong writer and used to help people with resumes in college and adulthood on an ad-hoc basis (for free) because I liked helping others and found them to be fun. It wasn’t until a former coworker (Tifa Owe) who I helped said to me, “you’re way too good at this to be doing this for free,” that I thought this could actually become a business venture.
Almost immediately, my inquiries began to take off due to my Instagram followers. Six months later in April 2019, my career plan became a lot more clear.
1) I was still at my ”9-5” because I needed to continue to establish myself financially.
2) God did send me a new “job” – it was CJW Consulting. It just wasn’t what I was expecting – a traditional role working for another organization.
3) He gave me enough strength to hang on until I couldn’t ANYMORE. I decided to resign and my last day of employment was April 26th, 2019. I began to realign my focus on my new business, which has truly impacted the lives of others. Sometimes you have to create the role that you are looking for.
As of August 2020, CJW Consulting Group has helped hundreds of individuals in every career field, including education, healthcare (clinical & administrative), engineering, supply chain, law, accounting & finance, etc. In fact, based on a sample of 53 clients, 96% secured interviews within 30 days. Based on another survey conducted, 65 clients reported total salary increases of over $1.1M (average increase of $17,400+ per client).
Additionally, one of the things I said I was going to do was visit my grandmother more (93 years old) once I had more flexibility in my schedule and I wasn’t glued to a desk. I thought to myself, “I’ll take my laptop over her house and work from there”. Guess what? I did! But what I didn’t know was that my grandma would pass away within 3.5 months of my resignation on August 11th, 2019. This is when I truly realized that timing is everything. I was destined to resign when I did so that I would be able to spend more time with her during her last few months on this earth – at home when she was initially stable and in the hospital when she began to decline. I would not have had this flexibility with working my demanding 9-5, keeping up with my business, and/or having relocated to another state.
I say all this to say, many of you are struggling with similar battles. Pursue your dreams! I was initially cautioned and discouraged by family and older fraternity brothers because they wanted me to keep the traditional “9 to 5”. Sometimes you have to step out on faith and do what’s best for you even if it defies the “norms” or traditional views of those closest to you. Don’t allow yourself to become complacent because you are afraid of trying something new. Most often, when you hear your elders speaking of their regrets, they seem to regret what they did NOT do versus what they did.
I want this to be an inspiration to someone reading this who may be debating a career change, starting a new business, praying for wisdom, strength, and clarity, etc. YOU WILL FIND YOUR WAY. Your 20s can be a difficult time filled with financial lessons, career confusion, etc. Trust me, it may take some time, but everything is temporary. I was taught PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE throughout this process.
Trust, love, respect, and own your process and personal growth. And always remember “Sometimes, it’s hard to see the big picture when you’re in the frame” as I too, was once in the frame.
Has it been a smooth road?
Initially, no. I was managing a demanding 9-to-5 while trying to keep up with business inquiries. Many days, I would get off work, come home, and spend my entire night working with clients. Then wake up, and do it all over again. I was EXHAUSTED.
So, as you know, we’re impressed with CJW Consulting Group – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
As of August 2020, CJW Consulting Group has helped hundreds of individuals in every career field, including education, healthcare (clinical & administrative), engineering, supply chain, law, accounting & finance, etc. In fact, based on a sample of 53 clients, 96% secured interviews within 30 days. Based on another survey conducted, 65 clients reported total salary increases of over $1.1M (average increase of $17,400+ per client).
What I am most proud of is that I started this business in 2018 and have been able to impact hundreds of individuals within just under two years. My company has been able to make a direct impact in elevating the careers and increasing the earning power of others across approximately 40 states.
What sets me apart from others is that I put my heart and soul into every client. Each client receives a one-on-one consultation from me in which I provide job seekers advice, feedback, and a bit of humor. I make the process fun and the client doesn’t have to do anything besides listen to my advice, take notes, and answer the questions that I have. Then, they will receive a revamped resume based on our conversation. I also have strong customer relationship management and interpersonal skills so clients are consistently referring people and reach out for random follow-up questions. I also think that my marketing sets me apart, as I use personalized testimonials and quantifiable statistics to show my impact.
Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I love the cultural presence of three top HBCUs (Clark Atlanta, Spelman, & Morehouse), the historical significance of the birth home of Martin Luther King, Jr., and also that Atlanta is a mecca for affluent African-Americans.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.cjwconsultinggroup.com
- Phone: 248.973.7104
- Email: cjwconsultinggroupllc@gmail.com
- Instagram: @CJWConsulting
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CJWConsultingDetroit/
Source: VoyageATL
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